Oh boy, it begins with lies

Starting out your committee’s work of investigating the Benghazi tragedy (the fifth or sixth investigation, by the way; the previous ones haven’t turned up any wrongdoing by any Administration personnel) by lying to the American public doesn’t bode well for its credibility (or yours). I’m reminded of the book Al Franken wrote a few years ago: “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them”.

Just as attack dog Gowdy swears no one should try to raise money “on the backs of four dead Americans” the National Republican Congressional Committee sent out a fundraising email tied to Gowdy’s role leading a select committee to investigate the attacks.

They are sleazy slimy people who care only for their own aggrandizement. “Governing for all America” is a concept that party discarded years ago. I wonder how many of these clowns really think the Administration did anything wrong here and how many just want a weapon for 2014 and 2016’s elections.

There’s this, too: 206 of the 233 House Republicans have begged to be put on the investigative committee that’s going to be chaired by this guy, who is obviously the epitome of a calm and reasonable man. Hey, he’s been in the House for all of 40 months. He’s a seasoned veteran! And every one of those 206 representatives is a trained interrogator who would be just the right choice to ask questions of the hostile witnesses the Administration will send up to testify after lengthy subpoena battles, no doubt.

This is set up to be a witch hunt along the lines of the 1950s-era House Un-American Activities Committee.