Another candidate slips on climate change banana peel

Senator Marco Rubio is either a damned fool or a panderer to his party’s more rabid base. I’m voting for the former.

ABC’s Jonathan Karl pressed Rubio on his belief that humans don’t have anything to do with global warming.

“But let me get this straight, you do not think that human activity, its production of CO2, has caused warming to our planet?” Karl asked.

“I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it. That’s what I do not — and I do not believe that the laws that they propose we pass will do anything about it. Except it will destroy our economy,” Rubio responded.

Common sense alone should tell you that if you put 8 or 9 billion people on a single planet, more and more of them clear-cutting rain forests, driving pollution-producing cars, overfishing oceans, and paving more and more farmland, eventually the planet is going to get tired and over-used. You’d think even the most rabid denier might realize that if there’s no more snowmelt because there’s no more snow there might be a problem for the humans who need it. You’d think he’d realize that if the oceans rise by a couple of feet a whole lot of people and property are going to have to be moved at great expense.

Sometimes I get the feeling that the climate change deniers have all read dystopic science fiction and think they’re going to be the heroes and heroines who survive the natural disasters despite all odds.