Six SOTU speeches? Really?

I wonder if anyone looked at Obama this evening and said that to him. It’s true, though. Tonight was his sixth time standing up there in the House chamber.

I thought it was pretty good. Maybe his 2016 speech will be the one in which he just tears into the opposition and tells them what he thinks of their behavior during his two terms in office. As The Rude Pundit says:

The President has faced what is, factually, by the numbers, unprecedented obstructionism by Republicans to not just his nominees to the judiciary and executive branch, but in his legislative agenda, including the hundreds of bills passed by the House when it was held by Democrats. It needs to be said again and again: We never got to see what an Obama presidency would be like because Republicans decided that there wouldn’t be an Obama presidency.

Amen to that. And if we’re disappointed, imagine how Barack feels about that.