The courts are overloaded with Republicans

But we knew that, right? Today the five conservatives on the Supreme Court all refused to block a Texas law restricting abortions by requiring doctors who perform them to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals.

The court’s conservative majority refused the plea of Planned Parenthood and several Texas abortion clinics to overturn a preliminary federal appeals court ruling that allowed the provision to take effect.

The four liberal justices dissented.

Okay, but why do you title your post that way, Link?

The five justices and three appeals court judges who sided with Texas are all Republican appointees. The four dissenting justices are Democratic appointees. U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel, who initially blocked the provision, is a Republican appointee.

The case remains on appeal with the Fifth Circuit Court in New Orleans; this decision was on an emergency appeal from Planned Parenthood and other pro-choice groups in Texas to allow abortions to continue until the appeal is decided in the spring of 2014.

While it has no bearing on this particular court, this is why the filibuster must be repealed and judicial appointments be made by simple majority vote. President Obama’s appointments are all being blocked and as a result federal courts remain tilted toward Republican policies.