Morning Joe a Moderate?!?

This is an actual headline at something called “The International Business Times”:
Joe Scarborough Book Aims To Inspire Republicans, Knock Down Tea Party Extremists

Well. I don’t know whether Charlie Pierce saw that headline or not, but in a blog post today he demolished the idea that Joe Scarborough is some sort of moderating voice for the Republicans. He points out that Scarborough first came to public attention as a pro bono lawyer defending a man named Michael Griffin who murdered a doctor who provided abortion services in Pensacola, Scarborough’s adopted home town. Presumably in part because of his work for Griffin, the National Right-to-Life Committee contributed $15K to Scarborough’s first political campaign in 1994, which he won.

Once in Congress he attached himself to the mob pursuing Bill Clinton all the way to impeachment and to the Republicans’ wholly-political attempt to keep Terry Schiavo alive. Yet he now thinks he can instruct Republicans in how to be moderate?

It is to laugh.

Go read Pierce. He’s got a better memory for the facts and he recounts them much more colorfully than I.