Constituent disservices indeed

A picture is indeed worth a thousand words:

Yessiree, these people were elected to do what their district expects them to do. I doubt the majority of their constituents realized they’d be wasting $50 million of taxpayers’ money voting 40 times to repeal Obamacare.


  1. People often vote against their own best interests. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that some of those constituents supported those votes, because they only see the fact that they’ll be expected to pay for something fairly expensive, that they don’t now have to pay for. You only feel the need for health care, and regard it as a good investment, if you have health problems. There’s also a strong libertarian streak in the south (and for these purposes Indiana is part of the South) that doesn’t want “the govment” telling them what to do…

  2. There’s also the fact that they’ve been flat-out lied to about the costs and the effects of Obamacare. “Death Panels,” “IRS rationing,” etc.

  3. @ Hedera : I see those same sentiments rise in popularity in Pennsylvania in recent years.

    I used to scoff at the term “Pennsyltucky”… but since the media political extravaganza to confuse and whip people up into a misinformation fear frenzy, there are plenty of people who don’t know what it’s like to be older, have a job that doesn’t offer health insurance, and have pre-existing conditions… and are quick to believe that all obamacare is doing is giving some mythical public health care option to illegal immigrants.

    So they want less government… as if that’s the way to combat fraud, to fire more government employees, so the ones left won’t have time to actually prevent fraud. ?

    Let’s complain about crime, and then lobby to have less police. That’s the solution!

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