Watch your back, South Carolina!

North Carolina is coming up on the outside in the race to be the crazier of the Carolinas. Headline:

North Carolina Lawmakers Ram Through Plan That Would Increase Taxes On Poor People

“Those with average incomes of nearly $1 million would receive a total tax cut of nearly $10,000,” the North Carolina Justice Center estimated, while the bottom 80 percent of taxpayers “would experience an increase in their taxes on average.”

The package will “reduce the number of individual income tax brackets from three brackets to one while raising the standard deduction and capping deductions on mortgage interest and property taxes. The current income tax rates of 6, 7 and 7.75 percent based on income would be reduced to a flat rate of 5.8 percent in 2014 and 5.75 percent in 2015.”

North Carolina is usually a purple state, so the Republican Party has pretty much decided this term is its one best chance to remake the state to Art Pope’s liking.

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