Oklahoma not Okay

Longtime readers will know that I’ve occasionally poked fun at the two Senators from Oklahoma, Coburn and Inhofe, for what I consider their idiotic right-wing beliefs.

Well, Inhofe has gone completely mad, and he’s offended the Newtown family members by doing so.

Speaking to a handful of reporters, Inhofe said he feels bad for those families because they’re being used as pawns in a political fight.

“See, I think it’s so unfair of the administration to hurt these families, to make them think this has something to do with them when, in fact, it doesn’t,” Inhofe said.

When it was suggested that the families of Newtown victims actually believe the gun debate pertains to them, Inhofe said, “Well, that’s because they’ve been told that by the president.”

How dumb is this man? Even if he believes that the parents of the children who were gunned down in Connecticut aren’t victims of gun violence, he’s pretty damned stupid to say so out loud to reporters.

Back a few generations part of my family came from Perry, a town in north central Oklahoma. I’m exceedingly glad they left. Arizona’s current crop of politicians are bad enough as representatives of a former home of mine.