The fourth dimension

This is a Schatz Royal Mariner wind-up clock. It has magical properties. As it winds down, the time speeds up. This morning when I rewound it at 8:53AM it was telling me it was 8:58AM. We’ve spent hundreds of dollars over the years having it cleaned, having its bearings replaced and so on, and it doesn’t matter. When its tension spring starts to run down, the hands speed up.


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  1. I love mechanical clocks. I have a pendulum driven mechanical clock with an hour strike. I think I paid $110 (in 1981) for it, and I’ve spent more multiples of that than I care to think about, having it cleaned, adjusted, and in one case rebuilt. (It’s hard to find a good clock man. Or woman.) Right now it’s about 5 minutes slow which means the next time I wind it I’ll adjust the pendulum ever so slightly…

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