Take him out, coach

I’m beginning to think the Republican nominee for Veep is not ready for prime time. Case in point: today on Fox News Sunday, a venue likely to be friendly to Mr. Ryan, he refused to answer how the Romney – Ryan tax plan would be funded. In fact, he bobbed and weaved and demurred and declined and basically punted on questions from host Chris Wallace.

WALLACE: So how much would it cost?

RYAN: It’s revenue neutral…

WALLACE: No no, I’m just talking about cuts. We’ll get to the deductions, but the cut in tax rates.

RYAN: The cut in tax rates is lowering all Americans’ tax rates by 20 percent.

WALLACE: Right, how much does that cost?

RYAN: It’s revenue neutral.


WALLACE: But I have to point out, you haven’t given me the math.

Ryan: No, but you . . . well, I don’t have the time. It would take me too long to go through all of the math. But let me say it this way: you can lower tax rates by 20 percent across the board by closing loopholes and still have preferences for the middle class. For things like charitable deductions, for home purchases, for health care. So what we’re saying is, people are going to get lower tax rates.

You don’t have the time? You’re given a hunk of time on your party’s favorite TV network and you can’t be bothered to fill in the details for your own base? Congressman Ryan, I don’t think you understand the way this game is played.

The video of this stupidity is at the link.