No one more zealous than the recent convert

It’s now been more than two months since I’ve had a cigarette. On a few occasions I’ve felt an urge to have one (for example, after putting something in the oven which will take an hour, meaning my “cooking” is done for a while), but none of those urges have been serious. Thanks be to whomever for that.

However, on Tuesday I was heading down the escalator at my local mall to go to the Satellite City Hall to register the car and turn in the title transfer notice for the old one. As I got on I looked out the window and saw a teenager sitting at a table outdoors smoking away. I had to conquer an urge to get off the escalator, go out there and shake her into quitting.

I’m not very confrontational so I didn’t do it, but I sure thought about it!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully kicked one of the toughest addictions going – worse than heroin, I’m told. Keep on NOT smoking! As for the kid – you know she wouldn’t listen to you.

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