Mr. Romney and the truth have not yet met

Jonathan Chait points out the latest lies about Obama, the economy, and the health care bill. First he quotes Romney:

A book that was written in a way that’s apparently pro-President Obama, was written by a guy named Noam Scheiber and in this book he says that there was a discussion about the fact that Obamacare would slow down the economic recovery in this country and they knew that before they passed it. But they concluded that we would all forget how long the recovery took once it had happened, so they decided to go ahead. The idea that they knowingly slowed down our recovery in order to put in place Obamacare, which they wanted and they considered historic but the American people did not want or consider historic, is something which I think deserves a lot of explaining. . .

Then Chait proceeds to demolish that statement.

Romney presents the book as revealing that Obama believed health-care reform, through its “big gummint” regulations, would harm the recovery, but cackling that he wanted to pass it out of some belief that Americans wouldn’t notice mass economic suffering. This bears no relationship to anything the book says.


Not only is it false for Romney to say Obama “knowingly slowed down our recovery,” it’s not even true that Obama knowingly passed up a chance to accelerate the recovery. The notion that anybody in the administration believed that the health-care law would actually slow down the recovery is complete fiction. It does not appear in the book anywhere and it’s pretty obviously untrue.

There’s more.

Mitt Romney seems to believe he can say anything he likes with no regard to the facts and no one will notice. So far, much of the mainstream media seems to be bearing out this belief.

One Comment

  1. Rachel Maddow had a segment on that today and even had Noam Scheiber on for an interview. She points out several instances where The Mitt has done this and points out that, even when these untruths are caught and reported, he never makes a correction or apologizes. Kind of shows how much character (or lack thereof) that he has. (sigh) It’s gonna be a long four-and-a-half months till the election.

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