Ryan’s budget and Romney’s buy-in

Here are a lovely couple of lines describing the House Republican’s budget, offered up by Paul Ryan yesterday to great fanfare and equally great derision:

The House Republicans unveiled their new budget today (.pdf), complete with a spooky video pressing home the point that only the House Republicans and their leader Paul Ryan stand between us and CIVILIZATIONAL COLLAPSE. Yes, the peril of rising debt is that bad. No, it’s not so bad that it’s worth restoring Clinton-era tax rates to prevent. But so bad that it’s worth throwing tens of millions of people off health insurance? Oh, yeah.

What’s even more lovely to contemplate is that Mitt Romney gave this plan his full-throated support:

I’m very supportive of the Ryan budget plan. It’s a bold and exciting effort on his part and on the part of the Republicans and it’s very much consistent with what I put out earlier. I think it’s amazing that we have a president who three and a half years in still hasn’t put a proposal out that deals with entitlements. This president’s dealing with entitlement reform — excuse me — this budget deals with entitlement reform, tax policy, which as you know is very similar to the one that I put out and efforts to reign in excessive spending. I applaud it. It’s an excellent piece of work and very much needed.

So a budget which cuts billions from Medicare and Medicaid in the face of 76 billion retiring baby boomers while giving away even more billions in tax cuts to the already-wealthy is just fine with the putative Republican nominee for President.

Gosh. Could the Democrats ask for a better example of the 1% crowd trying to stick it to the 99% legions?