
Deservedly so, however. When you lose the conference tournament championship, go 23-11 on the year but 12-6 in a conference which had a pretty bad year, that’s a recipe for being in the NIT. Oh well. Bear Down, Arizona.

Beanie Brigade Chief spouts off

News headline: Pope denounces U.S. political push to legalize gay marriage The pope’s latest comments in opposition to homosexual marriage came in an address to bishops from several Midwestern states on a regular visit to the Vatican. “Sexual differences cannot be dismissed as irrelevant to the definition of marriage,” he said. He added that the …

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Republican war-mongering

So St. John McCain, who never met a foreign policy situation he didn’t think could be improved by inserting US military force into it, is now calling for air strikes against Syria. Three of the four candidates for the Republican nomination to be President want to threaten Iran (Ron Paul is a non-interventionist). Comically, Romney …

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