
Not the Chris Matthews tv show, but Senator Reid telling Republican Senators “Nice little JOBS bill you have here. It’d be a shame if something happened to it. So vote on these 17 district judge nominations or watch it die.”

Good. The Republican Senate under Mitch McConnell has been more filibuster-happy than any other in history, and they’ve given the Dems a hostage here. Republicans from both sides of Congress really want this jobs bill as something they can point to when running for re-election, and the Dems would love to be able to say “See, Americans? They care more about obstructing President Obama’s nominees than they do about your likelihood of finding work.”


  1. The greatest gift Romey has given the voter is his utter transparency. He is both amoral and indifferent. He will make any fact-free statement he can dream upt to gain traction amont the gullible, and he is utterly indifferent to anyone other than his confreres at the country club. For their own sake and survival, the voters need to realize this.

  2. It is long past time for Reid to throw down the gauntlet . There has never been the level of partisan obstruction practiced by this Senate minority . There are judicial emergencies in so many districts . Hopefully Reid will actually back up his tough talk this time . Let the Senate grind to a halt for weeks if need be . Its time to have this out.

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