Uh-huh. Thousands of fraudulent votes cast, huh?

Talking Points Memo:

New Mexico Secretary of State Dianna Duran said earlier this year that her state had a “culture of corruption” and referred 64,000 voter registration records to police that she thought were possible cases of voter fraud. Now a new report from her office proves she was completely right, 0.0296875 percent of the time.

Duran’s interim report now alleges that 104 voters — about one for every 10,577 on the rolls — were illegally registered to vote. Of that group, just 19 — or approximately one for every 57,894 registered voters — actually allegedly cast a ballot they shouldn’t have.

Read on for all the silly excuses being made by her office to explain this vast overcount of those awful (presumably Democratic) fraudsters.

They never quit. The Republican War on Science is more generally a war on facts.