In case you were wondering . . .

about insurance coverage for abortion in the United States of America:

That’s what the world of women’s choice looks like in this country today. Do I have to tell anyone that Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in the United States?

Kansas needs to be reminded. It created new licensing requirements for Planned Parenthood clinics and gave them about three days to meet them. One of the only three providers in the state did. The other two are suing.


  1. I can’t believe the true power grabbers give a rat’s patoot about whether women have abortions or not. Can they be throwing their weight behind this issue to pull in support from the evangelicals and right-to-life crew, for whom it really does matter?

  2. Well, in Kansas they’ve got a true zealot as governor. Sam Brownback has been an enemy of women’s choice forever, while he was in the Senate and now as Governor. At the state level there’s some pandering but zealotry there as well, if you read some of the stories quoting some of the legislators, no matter the state.

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