1. Looks good and should last many years. Definitely worth the hassle.

    Do I see gutters? We finally had to have some installed as our neighbor was complaining that too much rain water was coming down the slope to his yard and undermining his retaining wall. Actually glad we did as they do move the rain water away from our house and foundation as well.

  2. Oh, yes, it has gutters (which reminds me there’s a plant growing in one of them at the back. I need to pull that) and has had for its entire 40-plus years of life. They’re useful.

  3. I know that every year I hear people say “switch away from wooden shingles” but for us that’s due to wildfire issues. After seeing one come in near us (about 5 yrs ago, we evacuated), I would totally cheer on the use of composite!

    Also cleaning gutters out in the fall? Bleh. But then wait, does Hawaii have many trees that lose their leaves in winter? Do you miss out on that fun? Heh.

  4. No, Batty, we don’t have many deciduous trees here, but we get volunteer shrubs everywhere. That’s why I have a fern of some kind in the gutter at the back; birds drop seeds. What I also have are two coral trees flanking the driveway, and one of them loses its branches into the gutter. It also loses its leaves, but they don’t seem to fill up the gutters, thank the FSM.

    If you look at this picture you’ll see the trunk of a palm tree in the foreground. That’s in the midst of a big bougainvillea patch, and it got there through no plan of our own.

  5. Oh I do love bougainvillea – it’s all over the place here too. I always say that someday if we get a house I’m going to get multiple colors of it. The thorns make me think I’d better keep them in pots though, pruning does not seem fun.

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