Gang of Six shrinks

For a while now there’s been a so-called Gang of Six Senators trying to forge a compromise between the Democrats and the Republicans on deficit reduction. The Dems are represented by Dick Durbin of Illinois, Mark Warner of Virginia, and Kent Conrad of North Dakota, while the Republican members of the group are Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, Mike Crapo of Idaho, and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma.

Warner and Conrad are way too centrist for my taste, and Crapo and Coburn are way too right-wing. What I want wasn’t going to get done by that crowd.

Now it looks as though little if anything is going to be done. Coburn came into a meeting of the group Monday and demanded an additional $130 billion be taken out of funding for Medicare in any deal that got done. Durbin strenuously objected, and Coburn decided to take his hurt feelings and go home.

Aside from the typical Republican behavior this exhibits (you give me an inch, I want a mile. Once I get that additional mile, I want another mile), this is a good thing as far as I’m concerned. I don’t agree with cuts in Federal spending while we still have 9% unemployment and while states and municipalities have been cutting jobs at their levels.

Just say no, Democrats. And mean it.


  1. In my day, farmer’s would hang a dead chicken around the neck of a dog that killed free-browsing chickens. It worked, and the dog was cured of destroying his owner’s income producing chickens. We must hang that dead chicken around the neck of irresponsible T-party house members bent on destroying government functions, so they bear the stink come next election…Right?

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