Power loss, power found

We’re in the midst of a power outage on Oahu. My sympathies go out to all the people unable to open their refrigerators and freezers for fear of food spoilage and unable to cook. For whatever reason, our neighborhood has, over the years, been pretty much immune to lengthy losses of power. We’ve had our share of one and two-hour blips; the longest I remember is about six hours. I remember that stress and frustration, so I feel for the folks west of me.

The union didn’t plan to go out strategically at the moment of a major storm, its spokesman says, and I’m inclined to believe him. Who can plan for storm damage like this? Nonetheless, I’m sure there are some thoughts of “hey, our leverage in getting management back to the table just improved a lot.” I don’t blame them for holding those thoughts, either. If you’re willing to negotiate but the other side isn’t, and you’ve been without a contract for months, you’ll take any outside help you get, even if it’s the weather.