Medicaid cuts in Nebraska lead to . . .

dramatic effects, doctors and health clinic administrators reported Wednesday.

At least five babies have died.

Women are traveling 155 miles to get prenatal care.

Babies have been delivered at clinics, in ambulances and hospital emergency rooms.

Why were those women dropped from the pre-natal care program?

About half of the women dropped from the program are undocumented. Those babies are U.S. citizens as soon as they are born and will automatically qualify for Medicaid health services upon delivery.

Oh, well then. Can’t have “people who are here illegally” getting health care, particularly if they might have children on U.S. soil.

This is Nebraska but it could be any one of half-a-dozen states.

The media perceives the Tea Partiers as much more concerned with fiscal issues than social ones; that’s wrong. The Tea Partiers are just the same old right-wing of the Conservative/Republican party they’ve always been with a different mask this time around.