Credit for honesty, I suppose

From Think Progress:

In an interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly moments ago, State Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald (R-WI), one of Walker’s closest allies in the legislature, confirmed the true political motive of Walker’s anti-union push. Fitzgerald explained that “this battle” is about eliminating unions so that “the money is not there” for the labor movement. Specifically, he said that the destruction of unions will make it “much more difficult” for President Obama to win reelection in Wisconsin

It’s refreshing to hear a Republican politician freely admit that the whole purpose of Walker’s attempt to strip collective bargaining rights from public employees is to defund unions. For the most part that goal has been left unsaid; obvious to anyone watching, but nonetheless unspoken.

One Comment

  1. Rachel Maddow has done several spots on her MSNBC show saying just this. Now lets see if the Democratic Party will pull together now that the true enemy is being shown.

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