What century is this?

If you thought the Republicans in the US House were anti-woman and anti-choice, take a look at what some of their brethren in several state houses are doing. Some of these restrictions include no termination of pregnancy after first fetal heartbeat is detectable (Ohio), ultrasound sonogram requirement (Texas), criminalization of abortions performed due to unacceptability of the unborn child’s race or sex (Arizona), life begins at conception bill and pre-emptive nullification of SCOTUS decision declaring otherwise (Florida) and another life-at-conception bill (Iowa).

Next there’ll be a movement to make women property of their spouses again.


  1. The Republicans remind me of a line from the Danny Kaye movie “Me and the Colonel” in which Kaye, playing Jacobowski, a Jewish refugee during WWII says to Curt Jurgens, playing the Colonel, an anti-semitic Polish soldier also running from the Germans, “You are undoubtedly one of the finest minds of the 12th Century, Colonel. Unfortunately, the rest of us are living in the 20th.”

  2. And then there is the movement in Indiana, where they want mandatory “counselling”, in which a woman seeking an abortion must go through a counselling session. The new state counselor then tells the patient that life begins at birth and that the fetus feels “pain”. This makes me glad to be living in Illinois.

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