Investigate this!

Subhead to an unflattering profile of Darrell Issa (Ca-R), the incoming chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: Darrell Issa, the congressman about to make life more difficult for President Obama, has had some troubles of his own.
I guess yes. Those troubles include several charges of auto theft, suspected arson, a hostile takeover of the first company he owned after a single late loan payment, and what appears to be resumé polishing.

From the article: In an interview with Rush Limbaugh last year, Issa described Obama as “one of the most corrupt Presidents in modern times.”

I doubt that claim has merit, but if all the facts in Ryan Lizza’s column are correct, Issa knows corruption pretty well.


  1. Issa is a totally loose cannon, he’s regularly in the news in California saying something whacko. I’m not at all surprised to read this column. I notice that he says he’s not interested in investigating the past. If I had his past, I wouldn’t be, either.

  2. And of course, he’ll make the most outrageous claims in order to get lots of media coverage to keep his name in the front of the news.
    He’s a total waste of space. How on earth did he ever get elected with credentials like his? (sigh)

  3. Didn’t this guy later claim that he meant “corrupt like a hard drive?” Which is about as weasely as anything coming out of the mouth of that idiot half-term former governor of Alaska.
    Maybe we could all use a defragmentation session.

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