
I admit it. I still use two spaces after a period (two after a colon, too). It’s wrong to continue to use a convention meant for monospaced type in this electronic era. It’s a habit, dammit, like smoking, albeit less harmful to your health. Miss Mokosh taught me that technique back when I was a junior in high school using Smith-Corona and Royal manual typewriters.

Somehow I managed to kick the habit when I used teletype equipment as a Radioman in the Navy, but when I got out I went right back to my old habits. Mea Culpa. I’ll try to do better.


  1. OMG ppl hoo uz 2spcs R teh STUPD
    I’m glad this is the sort of thing that gives professional typographers fits of apoplexy. This reminds me of an article I read in one of my astronomy magazines about how stupid laymen are when they mispronounce “Betelgeuse” and “Vega.” Why, don’t they realize what IDIOTS they sound like when they talk like that? Back to your gleaning, peasants!

  2. What?? You mean I can’t correct my husband for using only one space when he types out letters to be sent by real mail (on snails) anymore?
    Blast!! This is going to change the whole dynamics of our 49-year marriage. We may never survive the chaos!!

  3. I’ve been trying for years to stop using that double space. If someone goes back and looks at anything I’ve “typed” they’ll find it horribly inconsistent…double and single spaced sentences run amok.

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