Lost, Season 6, Episode 8

Blurb: Locke assigns Sawyer a mission.
Sheesh. Could that be any more vague?
Alan Sepinwall
EW Pre-episode blather
EW Recap
Special bonus! A Playlist of 71 of the songs used in Seasons 1-5, downloadable!

Until it turned out that Zoe and her mob were Widmore’s crowd I was ready to throw something. No more new characters, please! There aren’t enough episodes left!
Sawyer had me halfway persuaded that the deal with Widmore was straight. Then he spilt the beans about said deal to unLocke immediately upon returning to the larger island, so I’m a sucker.
I’m trying to remember here; as far as Sawyer knows the only Losties he can get off the island via the submarine are Kate, Jin, Sayid and Miles, right? Or does he know where to find Jack, Hurley, Frank, Ilana and Ben, too?
Side note: Michael Landon? Little House on the Prairie? What sort of red herring is that?