
Mom got an ASUS eee PC for Christmas, and I’ve been setting it up.

Who among you remembers the password you created when you set up your wireless router? Particularly if it was nine months ago?

I finally figured out how to access the security settings for the router so I could see the password, but it took a while.



  1. On a slightly related subject, the last few days I’ve noticed that the middle column of your three column setup has been blocked by that third column.
    Am I the only one? And is this on your end or mine?
    This happened once before, but disappeared within a couple of days. Anyway, it’s happening again. 🙂 It just hasn’t disappeared yet. 🙂

  2. I’ve done nothing to the format. I have noticed that on the netbook (10″ screen) the same thing happens: the right-hand column slightly overlays the right side of the middle one.

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