It’s Christmas Day!

And for your reading, I submit the text of the Christmas story in multiple languages, from Anglo Saxon to King James to Icelandic.

I exhort you to read some of the posts cousin Teresa links to in that entry, particularly Jo Walton’s wonderful story of Joseph, the forgotten man of the Bible.

May you have a glorious day.


  1. Thanks for the link back to Jo Walton’s story. I’ve read that before, and thought it was marvellous, and it still is. I like the way it sneaks up on you. You’re down to the middle of the third paragraph before you realize who this is, and who is the “she” he’s talking about.
    I did have a glorious day – I went up to Sibley Regional Park and walked the loop trail on a glorious sunny cool day. I may have some photos up in a bit.

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