Tired of washing

I really wish repair people would arrive on schedule. The part for our dishwasher arrived on Tuesday, two hours after the initial appointment had to be rescheduled. Ok, but then the guy was supposed to come today between 8-12. No sign of him yet.
I’m really bored with washing dishes by hand; I’ve been spoiled. We had a portable dishwasher as far back as 1963 and maybe earlier; I think we even took it to Guam with us in 1968, although memories about that differ. Anyway, no matter how hard I scrub, I never feel like hand-washed dishes are quite as clean as they would be if they’d been run through a dishwasher.


  1. Funny – whenever I think of dishwashers, I think about how I would feel like I had to inspect the dishes closely for food particles stuck, because a dishwasher never puts a solid abrasive kind of thing to the dishes – just splashes them with water. I like the personal control (or at least the illusion of control) of actually having the dish in hand, inspecting it closely, and rinsing it profusely until *I* am satisfied it’s rinsed.
    But then I haven’t had a dishwasher in over 15 years, and I imagine the technology has progressed – or at least I hope so. Just seems to me that the parents’ dishwasher left food particles stuck to dishes too often for my tolerance (which would be zero actually). And really, I feel like I could have my dishes washed by hand much faster & easier than rinsing them, loading them into a dishwasher properly, running it, and then unpacking them. But then I might be singing a different tune about that if I had to do dishes for 5 people every day. I live alone, so dish washing is just a rather minor inconvenience.

  2. My sister’s the “Oh, the dishwasher will take care of it” type, while I’m the “scrub all the visible stuff off before it goes in” type.
    We have eight dinner plates we use all the time, so I run the dishwasher about every fourth day. 😉

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