Peanuts! (Don’t) Git your peanuts here!

The Seattle Mariners will close off two sections of Safeco Park (Field? whatever) to peanut eaters for a pair of games later this season.

Sections 311 and 312 in the right-field upper seating area will be cleaned thoroughly before each of the games. Signs will also be posted nearby to alert fans of a ban on all peanut products in those two sections. No peanuts or foods containing peanut products will be sold at nearby concession stands to ensure the safety of those in the section. People who buy tickets in those sections must agree to obey the peanut ban.

I have no doubt that there are a lot of kids who suffer from peanut allergies, but I wonder: is it actually the peanuts or could it be the land on which they’re grown and/or the pesticides with which the plants are treated? I have no memory of any kids suffering from any allergy to peanut butter when I was in elementary school.
I’m sure various agriculture departments and pharma companies have already asked that question, but I’ve never seen an answer.


  1. Aloha!! Am sitting on the lanai in Lanikai!! Feel like I have come home. LOL I absolutely agree with you as no one every had that kind of allergy or much of any other kind when I was growing up nor do I recall a single person with a peanut allergy when either of my sons were in school so have to question as do you, the real cause,,,,,,,,,,,
    Happy Day!

  2. I never knew a kid with a peanut allergy when I was growing up. Tomorrow I’m going to a picnic and 3 of the children have peanut allergies.
    I think you might be right.

  3. I think part of it is that it was much less likely to be talked about when we were kids, and there would have been much less media attention to the phenomenon. I do know one person our age who has the allergy, and I can remember a couple of local incidents that occurred back in the eighties where people died of peanut allergy. One occurred at a party my boss threw. The woman who died was about ten years older than I was.
    That said, there certainly is evidence that asthma, for example, is much more common than it was when we were young.

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