Is it January yet?

After reading Garrison Keillor’s wonderful column about 10-year-old girls here (site pass may be required), I happened across this video from the Onion. Keillor closes this way:

I’m 65 and have a good life and can’t claim that the Current Occupant has done me much harm at all. It’s when I think about 10-year-old girls I start to get hot under the collar. This clueless man has dug a deep hole for them and doesn’t seem vaguely aware of it. He has spent us deep in a hole, gotten us into a disastrous war, blithely ignored the long-term best interests of the country, and when you think of the 4,000 kids who now lie in cemeteries, and for what? — you start to grind your teeth. For the sake of the girl with the beautiful swing, I hope we get a better president than the disgusting incompetent we’ve wasted eight years of our national life on. Think twice about who you put your arm around, Sen. McCain.

Read Keillor, then watch the video; they mesh very well together.

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