Unlicensed Veterinary medicine

I’m in charge of rebandaging Tigger for the next ten days. Today was the first time I did it. I watched and took photos as the vet did it on Monday so I’d have a road map.
The preliminary act, not photographed: apply some Mupirocin to the wound. It’s an antibacterial ointment.
Step one
Step two
Step three
Step four
Step five
It went pretty well, and she only half-heartedly snapped at me a couple of times. That was my biggest concern about doing it myself.
Here’s how it looked after removing the bandage applied in those photos and before I rebandaged it.


  1. She’s a real trooper!
    FWIW, here’s a trick I’ve used – set something up right next to her nose when she’s in the position you want her to stay in, and then smear it with peanut butter. For example, I smear peanut butter on the refrigerator door at nose height (OK, Dachshunds, that’s about 6 inches up) and they stand there quite happy to lick while I clip their nails. You might be able to set a milk jug filled with water (so it won’t move) on the table next to her, and smear peanut butter on that. Dogs can be very intent on getting every last molecule, and thus willing to overlook some manhandling.
    This only works if Tigger likes/can eat peanut butter. You can also use cheese spread, liver paste, or other similar stuff.

  2. Peanut butter is my alternate pill concealer, if cheese doesn’t work. She’s developing a taste for those bags of shredded “Mexican” cheeses. Sometimes American, sometimes Velveeta.

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