Lost, Season Four, Season Finale

Ryan’s post. James Poniewozik’s post at Time magazine. Alan Sepinwall’s post at the New Jersey Star-Ledger. (Thanks to Jon at Dodger Thoughts for the pointers to the latter two. Update: He’s added three more links to some professional TV watchers — EW, Variety, and the Chicago Tribune.)
Two hours? Two hours!?! I’m gonna have to watch half of this in the kitchen where I smoke!
Spoilers below!

1. How did Ben get off the island, since last we saw he was turning the gear to make it move?
2. How did Locke get off the (moved) island? And when? And why is he called Jeremy Bentham?
3. Does Penny know her father and Ben are in a battle for the island?
4. Why do all Ben’s Others so readily transfer their allegiance to Locke?
And one (maybe) answer: the date on Jin’s tombstone is the date of the plane crash because the survivors are all lying about their experiences on the island, so the story had to be that he died in the crash.

One Comment

  1. I was very satisfied with the way the authors tied up so many loose ends from flashback/flashforward sequences aired previously.. and .. opened up new threads for the final two seasons.
    The storyline did not require the finale to end with a cliff hanger..
    Thanks again for the links

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