Lost, Season Four, Episode 9

Yahoo calls this Episode 12 for some reason.
The Shape of Things to Come
“Locke’s camp comes under attack; Jack tries to determine the identity of a body that washed ashore.”
Ryan’s post.

Well now. For the first time there’s an acknowledgment that there’s some structure behind all this. When Alex was killed Ben said “He changed the rules.” Then when he invaded Widmore’s apartment he told Widmore that the rules had been changed.
So, what rules?
We learned that Ben can somehow control the smoke monster, whatever it really is. I did think that the Locke/Ben/Sawyer group was awfully blas? about standing around after the monster did its thing; how did they know that there weren’t some survivors who could show up and blast them all away? And why is Sawyer so confident he can take Claire back to the beach with a crying child in tow without being discovered by the newest set of bad guys?
We also learned how Ben got off the island (assuming he wasn’t lying to Sayid, which is entirely possible).
I thought Sayid’s wife Nadia had been killed off-screen years ago when Sayid was still in the Iraqi Army, so how is it that he found her, married her, and then saw her murdered in Los Angeles several years later?


  1. One of those “what’s it mean?” themes all along has been the number of philosophers’ names prevalent in the show. There’s been a Rousseau and a few others I can’t think of offhand.)

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