Lost, Season Four, Episode 5

Ryan’s post. Jon’s post.
From the teaser last week it appears we’ll see Sayid and the helicopter. Will it arrive on the freighter? When? Will we get any hints to the names of the still-unidentified members of the Oceanic Six? Whose flash-forwards will we see?

Oh for cryin’ out loud. They have to add time travel into this, as though there’s not enough confusion already?
No hints as to who else survives; no flash-forwards, just flashbacks with contemporaneous events mixed in. And how could 2004 Penny tell Desmond on the phone that she knew about the island from “your friend Charlie?”
Questions, questions! I want answers!


  1. Time travel has been a component for a while?ever since we knew that Desmond was living through it all over and over again, trying to find a way to save Charlie.
    2004 Penny talked to Charlie just before the station flooded and Charlie drowned. Remember: they’ve only been on the island for what, a few months?

  2. Yeah, somebody over at Jon’s Variety site pointed the Penny-Charlie phone call out. I’ve just forgotten the circs.
    My brain only has so much capacity for Lost incidents, I fear.

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