
Paul Waldman hits Tim Russert where I’d like to. Waldman cites an episode during a Democratic candidates’ debate at which Russert asks Obama “what’s your favorite Bible verse?” I thought at the time it was a silly question, not worth a candidate’s time answering. Waldman agrees and extrapolates: When Obama finished his answer, Russert said …

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In my limited exposure to Bruce Springsteen, I think Backstreets is the best song he ever wrote. Discuss. (In my defense I’ll say that the only album I have of his is Hammerstein Odeon London ’75)

East Coast-centrism

The worst thing about the Red Sox victory in the World Series from my perspective is that it will reinforce ESPN’s view that there are only two teams in baseball worth covering. My only question is how soon will the “Sox win!” story be overtaken by the “Alex Rodriguez sweepstakes!” story?