There are no quick fixes

Harpers Magazine has a series of essays in its June issue entitled “Undoing Bush: how to repair eight years of sabotage, bungling, and neglect.”
Here are the areas addressed with the authors’ names; there are links to each essay at the main page cited above:

  • The Constitution
    by David Cole

  • The courts
    by Dahlia Lithwick

  • Civil service
    by Ken Silverstein

  • The environment
    by Bill McKibben

  • Science
    by Chris (Chris C.) Mooney

  • The economy
    by Dean Baker

  • The marketplace of ideas
    by Jack Hitt

  • Intelligence
    by James Bamford

  • The military
    by Edward Luttwak

  • Diplomacy
    by Anne-Marie Slaughter

  • The national character
    by Earl Shorris

I think I want this in paper form.
via Susie Madrak