Lost, Season 3, Episode 5

Wow. Is that the first time the supernatural has taken a physical role in this show?
Spoilers below.

I don’t get it. Why a show focused on Eko’s flashbacks only to have him die at the end of the episode?
The new blonde whose name I can’t immediately remember Juliet is playing a double game of some sort to try to escape from Ben, and she’s willing to suggest murder to succeed. And she’s got company in wanting to escape, if the flashcards on the videotape are to be believed.
I liked the simplicity of the “What are these other TVs for?” question.


  1. They took a lot of big steps in this episode, yes, but I felt like they stumbled quite a bit. Interesting that you liked Nikki’s TV question. I thought it was the most painful scene of the season, if not the entire show!
    My long, grumpy review is here.

  2. We saw Lostzilla as black smoke toward the end of season 2, I think.
    I’m kinda bummed about Eko; I really liked the character. Thank goodness they’re at least trying to tie up some loose ends. I was getting a little huffy about that.

  3. While this was the best show of the season, it’s losing me as a fan slowly. Not sure what’s happening, but the story just seems too scattered for my liking. I’ll stick it out through next week, but they need to do something to keep me on board for the winter.
    Now Heroes, that’s something completely different!

  4. Yeah, Scott, I’m beginning to resent having to block out an hour on Wednesday nights to watch. I’m getting that “Aren’t there other things I’d rather do?” feeling.

  5. Lost is the best TV show ever its really amazing but still makes u wana watch for more and never stop , i saw season 1 and season 2 and some of season 3 from episode 1 to 4 and i’am really looking forward to watch episode 5 of season 3 , i worked out the numbers ( 4 8 15 16 23 42 ) and the map and the connection between all of the characters and really ppl about the TV show lost its not about only trying to escape and live u know its about showing u the pain of them all and about the others they are doctors and some of the were in the army and some are just workers and the island wasn’t made for testing ppl but animals and the others changed their plans and are now testing the human being ,,, they are smart and working as a team but still they freak me out :p ,,, GOD lost is making crazy sorry ppl i’am saying alot of information 🙂 enjoy the show …

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