Unhappy Anniversary

Back on March 20 of 2003 I wrote this:

This is the wrong war against the wrong enemy, but it’s started. I can only hope it ends well, with minimal casualties to US military men and women and to the Iraqi population, both military and civilian, and that there will be no retaliatory terrorist attacks on the United States and its people. Defenses against the latter are still weak, from what I’ve been reading; hopefully they will be sufficient.
I also hope that the Administration makes good on all its promises to rebuild Iraq. Watching its performance in Afghanistan and remembering candidate Bush’s sneer at nation-building during the campaign, I’m not all that sanguine about that happening; I hope I’m proven wrong.

Regarding paragraph 2, I guess I wasn’t wrong.


  1. What’s astounding Steve, is not reading what the likes of you or I wrote at this time 3 years ago, but the triumphalism we’ve seen from those who favored the excellent Iraq adventure in, say, April and May of 2003 (and especially around the “Mission Accomplished” era by the beginning of May.)
    I literally had to stop blogging for a while. There just wasn’t anything you could say… caution about it being too easy too early were just shouted down…
    And now… just take a look at the likes of what Glenn Reynolds, or Michelle Malkin, or LGF, or anyone like that, etc. were writing in April or May of 2003… then observe what happened, the complete cockup we’ve made of Iraq… and ask yourself why anyone takes these partisan twits the least bit seriously? (and worst of all, so-called Democrats like Lieberman, Hillary etc. , who feel they have to appease them.)

  2. I’ve been asking myself why those folks are taken seriously for years. Sometimes I wonder if even Reynolds believes what he says, or if it’s all a schtick; then I happen to see him interviewed on TV and I realize he is as unaware as he seems to be.

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