Stop the music

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says Iran is the greatest challenge facing the United States.
In testimony before the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee Thursday, Rice characterized the Tehran government as “determined” to defy the international community by going ahead with its nuclear program, CNN reported.
Rice’s testimony came in support of a $92 billion appropriations measure to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Rice described Iran as the “central banker” of terror, accusing it of backing militants in Iraq, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories.

What world is she in? Iraq and Afghanistan are consuming about $5 billion a month, we’ve got ~160,000 soldiers and Marines tied up in those two countries, Iraq’s on the verge of a civil war, our man in Afghanistan is basically mayor of Kabul and that’s all, and she’s worried about Iran trying to acquire nuclear weapons when even our own National Intelligence Estimate of nine months ago says it’s ten years away?
Oh, and let’s not forget that North Korea may already have a nuclear weapon or two.
I’ve heard this song before, and it was discordant when the subject was Iraq. Can my fellow citizens be stupid enough to believe a word of what she and her boss say again?

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