Lost, the Season Finale

I find it unconscionable that the Lost producers left us with no answers, more questions, and not one but several cliffhangers to puzzle over until the new season begins. Where does that shaft lead (I have visions of the film version of Journey to the Center of the Earth)? What’s the deal with kidnaping the kid, and who were those guys? Will the now-shipwrecked rafters survive in the water? What about what the proprietors of the Lost Wiki call “Lostzilla?” And the polar bear? The numbers, the numbers…
Infuriated, I am. Is it September yet?
Update: In comments, Pix points us towards this review. Poking around that website, it’s apparent the author writes fanfiction; certainly his/her review reveals a knowledge of the craft.


  1. Though I should have expected it, I too was annoyed by the show. Really, didn’t they claim that a lot of questions were going to be answered? Instead, the didn’t answer the old questions, plus introduced a bunch of new ones. And I have a bad feeling that season #2 won’t be able to sustain my interest.

  2. How odd the end…of all the teases the one that I think about the most is the number thing with the big guy…was he repeating the same number sequence that was on the tank thing? Mostly though I was annoyed.

  3. I’d only caught a few (2-3) partial episodes, swearing that I wasn’t going to get sucked in, but then Hub watched the finale and I got sucked in. Dang. Were those pirates? I freaked out several times — the TNT blowing up, the baby. Way too intense.

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