(Part of) Church v. Democrats

Frist, Family Research Council accuse Democrats of being “against people of faith”.
Can a Democrat who’s by their definition “against people of faith” devoutly do anything? If so, I devoutly hope this blows up into a huge backlash. Think about it. Presumably there are a lot of churches in this country which have mixed congregations made up of both Democrats and Republicans. Are those Republican churchgoers really going to believe that the family in the next pew fits the description Frist and the FRC have just used?
This is almost unbelievable. Back when JFK ran for President he had to make a speech explaining that his Catholicism would not keep him from placing America’s interests ahead of the Vatican’s. Now we have a bunch of radical right-wing churches saying that a nominee’s faith is more important than America’s interests. Note also these churches are exempt from federal taxes, which means they’re doing this on the taxpayers’ dime.
Where are the moderate Republicans? Where are the moderate churchgoers? Do you want this done in your name? Because if these clowns get their way, believe me, you will all be tarred with the same radical brush. Is that what you want?
There’s a nice bloggy roundup here at The Moderate Voice.

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