Alas, poor Frist

Remember the telecast the Family Research Council plans with Senator Frist? Well, the good Doctor/Senator is under fire:

Religious groups, including the National Council of Churches and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, plan to conduct a conference call with journalists on Friday to criticize Senator Frist’s participation in the telecast. The program is sponsored by Christian conservative organizations that want to build support for Dr. Frist’s filibuster proposal.

If it weren’t so serious, I could almost feel sorry for the poor fool. He wants to run for President in 2008, so he needs the religious right. At the same time, even one of his buddies (Santorum of Pa.) cites internal polls and is arguing for a slowdown on the “nuclear option.” To add to his troubles, the Democrats plan to slow everything down in the Senate if he goes ahead. How would they do that? Well, much of the Senate works on unanimous consent, so all they have to do is have one Senator call for roll call votes for each procedure. Just getting things inserted into the Congressional Record might take all day.
Hoist on his own p?tard, I’d say. Couldn’t happen to a nastier bunch of people, either.


  1. Seems like their shenanigans are starting to catch up with them. I think Santorum’s feeling this and wanting to “slow it down” to get the attention off of them for awhile. This is where the Democrats should keep the heat cranked up. But, this is where the Democrats usually screw it up. They think “oh good, they are coming to their senses.” Or whatever they think. You hardly ever hear from them about what they think!
    Last night on Hardball, Matthews had Rabbi Sapperstein (against Frist) — vs. a Southern Baptist (for Frist) — I liked Sapperstein — I hope this new religious group, who’s finally speaking out against the religious right extremists — remains vocal.
    Also, I don’t think Frist has a shot at the White House at all, but Santorum might. Now, wouldn’t THAT be scary?

  2. Judging from the polls, he’s not even a front runner for re-election at the moment. (‘Course, that means he’d have free time to campaign for President).

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