Women of the blogosphere, unite!

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s recently been a concerted effort to get the politically-oriented women bloggers more notice, brought on by yet another round of the “where are they all?” questions by well-meaning but slightly myopic men. I’ve stayed out of it, because I don’t link to anyone very much. However, I’ll happily contribute a pointer to Elayne’s ongoing efforts to call attention to them. She started a project she’s calling “Estrogen Month,” and the info about it can be found here. I’ve found several new voices and added them to the blogroll on the right. I’m not gonna itemize, because I’d offend somebody, but there are plenty more out there. Go read Elayne and follow her links.


  1. SLIGHTLY???
    I think the problem here is that people think “liberal” men can’t possibly be sexist, or chauvanist, or view women as objects. It’s just not true. Of course they can!

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