Schiavo explicated

This is by far the best explanation of the Schiavo case I’ve seen so far. It’s long, and it doesn’t address the overnight activities of Congress; that’s to be taken up later. It concludes:

…the takehome message is: first, it’s about autonomy. Second, the result in this case follows from basic facts about the way we adjudicate these cases. There is nothing novel about the case itself. Third, if you think about what would be involved in changing these basic principles, it doesn’t seem very attractive.

It goes into the history of the case very thoroughly, from the cause of Mrs. Schiavo’s heart attack to the latest (third) removal of the feeding tube. If you want a solid overview, this one’s it.


  1. yeah, on a personal level..
    My fear is that both the drs and my health insurance will stop me from getting care.
    I’m getting old–and this is a no-no lately…
    It will be Soylent Green for me any day…. ; ^ [

  2. Yep, that’s my fear too… And it’s already happening:
    check this out.
    Anyway… I really would enjoy that film there, with Bethoven’s 6th symphony (the Pastoral symphony – one of my favourites)… Much better than getting scooped up by the scoopers!

  3. I for one do not think Terri would want to live like this or be seen on T.V looking in such a horrid shape, come on people she got here from starving herself to be thin! I live every day with an ED and even now, I pray let me Die thin.. I don’t want people looking over my caskette saying, ” If she was not so fat, she’d be so pretty…” I think the tubes should be removed and if Terri is a live a lert than she should make a choice to eat or drink. And if she was in fact Mia, She would more than likly refuse to eat after looking at herself in the mirror. And rather be dead. I am not saying this to be mean, I live with an ED and I know how we think. We would in fact raher be dead than obeist or even fat. I support her husband and I for one did in fact love her, but learning of her having an ED probly made him hurt a lot, and feel some quilt because he did not know her as well as he thought he did. It isan’t easy to live with an ED nor is it easy to love someone with an ED. But What he is wanting I firmly beleive its what Terri would want and he is doing it out of love. I respect him for wanting to keep this private and not splatter her all over T.V. And the parents I know they love their child, but you let her go when she married and The bible says to cleave to your spouse and seperate from the parents. She done this and belive me if I were to be like Terri I would not want to live an ED goes much deeper than just wanting to be thin…

  4. I think it is terrible what Terri’s husband is getting away with. he has already broken one Ten Commandment, now about to break #2. The Judges are also breaking one if they allow Terri to die. If Terri was so againist living this way why is it not on paper? How do we know this is her decision,or that of her husband’s to get her out of the way of the life he has already gotten? People are trying to play God here.

  5. I have myself, uttered, “I would not want to live like that”. However I am healthy. What if I were not? My beliefs and religion prohibit me from chosing death. Without a written document, I doubt very much Terri Schiavo would chose to die. Do I now need to find everone I uttered those words to and rescind my statement? Or will it be my death sentence? If my husband lived with another woman and fathered two of her children, obviously there would be a conflict of interest if he were the one to make the decision. This case is very disturbing to me and a lot of rational thinking humans.

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