Radio interruptus

News item:

Hawaii Public Radio began its twice-yearly pledge drive Wednesday with a goal of $517,000 and its usual promise to suspend fund raising as soon as the goal is reached.
“You could be a tremendous help by getting this great big ball rolling,” General Manager Michael Titterton said during the first minutes of the campaign.
By 7 a.m. HST, pre-drive contributions and the first giving of the actual drive added up to $131,219, more than a quarter of the goal. The campaign is scheduled to run through the end of next week, but HPR has a policy of halting the effort as soon as it raises what it asks.
Titterton announced that HPR was working on upgrading its repeater station on Oahu’s North Shore, with the intent of making it strong enough to put a fair signal over to Kauai. HPR recently powered up a station at Kamuela on the Big Island. HPR already had a station in Hilo, and one on Maui, which repeat the signal of KHPR Honolulu.
The fall campaign, which ended last Oct. 28, raised $503,540, $6,540 more than the intended goal, due to a rush of giving in the last few minutes of the campaign.
Listener contributions form the largest source of revenue to Hawaii Public Radio, comprising more than 60 percent of all its revenue from all sources.

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