The New England Journal weighs in

The New England Journal of Medicine today published two articles about the Schiavo case. Both are open-access. The first, called “Terri Schiavo — A Tragedy Compounded” can be read via Acrobat here (3 pages). The second, entitled “Culture of Life” Politics at the Bedside — The Case of Terri Schiavo can be read, also via …

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Usurpation of power; your Congress at work

Atrios has dug up an interview with a legal expert from CBS News which discusses the implications of Congressional interference in the Schiavo case. QUESTION: So the years of state-court litigation would be wiped off the map, as if it never took place? ANSWER: If Congress gets its way, yes. That’s why the legislators in …

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Women of the blogosphere, unite!

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s recently been a concerted effort to get the politically-oriented women bloggers more notice, brought on by yet another round of the “where are they all?” questions by well-meaning but slightly myopic men. I’ve stayed out of it, because I don’t link to anyone very much. However, I’ll happily contribute …

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