I like overtime, but Senator Santorum doesn’t

Raising the minimum wage sounds good, but be careful what you wish for: Senator Santorum’s amendment has some nasty stuff buried inside.

Licensing Sweatshops: While a $1.10 per hour minimum wage increase by itself would help 1.8 million workers, Santorum includes a poison bill exempting any business with revenues of $1 million or less from regulation — raising the exemption from the current $500,000 level.
The upshot: while 1.2 million workers could qualify for a minimum wage increase, another 6.8 million workers, who work in companies with revenues between $500,000 and $1,000,000 per year, would lose their current minimum wage protection.
And an even larger number of businesses, those with revenues under $7 million, would be exempt from fines under a range of other safety, health, pension and other labor laws. Essentially, the realm of unregulated sweatshops would be expanded and legalized under Santorum’s bill.
Killing Overtime: It gets worse– the 40-hour work week would be abolished and companies would not have to pay overtime if they cut hours the next week. The proposal is called “flex time”, but workers would have no say in the matter. Their hours could be rearranged, upsetting child care and other weekly routines, and companies would no longer have the deterrent of having to pay overtime as a way to encourage giving workers a regular weekly schedule.

There’s more. If you like working for companies that have to conform to OSHA and Fair Labor regulations, among other things, read it all, then get on the horn to Congress.