Firefox fixes

Does Firefox’s autofill feature annoy you? When you type in the first letter of a field in a form does it call up memories of past typos? Thanks to Kathy in Kevin Drum’s comments, there’s a solution: highlight the mistake and press Shift-Delete. It goes away!
Also, there’s a new version of Firefox (1.02) which purports to fix some security issues with dot-gif files.


  1. The autofill frightens me! On the one hand, it’s nice to have and speeds things up on a form fill, on the other… I discovered that on one site I make a lot of purchases on, it actually stored all my CC info!!! Not something I want stashed on my computer… Now I know how to get that out of there – Thanks Linky!

  2. Linky, I don’t know about Windows vs., but on the Mac, it’s in the Preferences > Saved Form Information – uncheck the box that says “save form info…”
    If I weren’t so lazy about filling out forms, I’d do that. heh.

  3. Thanks… I hadn’t known about this. I just clear it all out every once in awhile.
    Strangely, on my own blog comments, OTHER people’s URLs come up when I go to type in my own URL. I’m not sure why that would happen when I’ve never typed someone else’s URL when making a comment on my own blog. Strange.

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