Democratic values?

Hmm. Mom found this in a Sunday WaPo article. It’s called The Principles Project, and here’s its declaration of values.

We believe in America’s historic promise of liberty, justice and the expansion of opportunity for all people. These commitments to fundamental human dignity and a better nation for all animate the American spirit and give us a sense of common purpose. We honor these commitments by recognizing that with the great freedoms afforded us comes an even greater responsibility to see that those freedoms are extended to all people in all places.
We believe that this sense of shared responsibility — for our families, our communities, our nation and our world — strengthens our country and secures our future.

  • We believe in defending dignity
  • We believe in strengthening democracy
  • We believe in promoting progress
  • We believe in embracing leadership

As progressives, these are our guiding principles — to defend dignity, to strengthen democracy, to promote progress and to embrace leadership. We believe that our country must always be looking toward a better and brighter future for all people, and in this pursuit we pledge to come forward and work with whomever we can. We will fight for these principles in every community, every forum and every office of government, because the struggles of this new century will not only be about preserving the freedoms we already enjoy — they will be about expanding those freedoms for all people.

Each one of those bulleted ideas has a paragraph attached: go read it all. Then look at the About page to see who they are. They’ve got a slew of partners, including Americans Coming Together, Americans for Democratic Action and 21st Century Democrats.